


Glossary & Symbols


数据立方体 data cube
维 dimension
分层 hierarchy hierarchy is a mapping sequence that maps the underlying conceptual set to a higher level
频繁模式 frequent pattern
关联规则 association rule
支持度 support
置信度 confidence
提升度 lift
出现频度 instances
频繁项集 frequent itemset



confidence(A => B) = P(A|B) = support_count(AUB)/support_count(A)

Model 1

1 Data Analysis

The data in MCM_NFLIS_Data.xlsx can be abstracted as data cut with 4 dimension, the 4 demension are time, position, substance name and substance report number. In time dimension we have one hierarchy —— year, in position dimension we have two hierarchy —— state and county, in substance name dimension we have one hierarchy with 69 kinds of substances and each substance has its report number in drug report number dimension.

1.1 The Intuitive Concept of States

In order to have an intuitive concept of states, we improve position dimension to state level, and statistic on the total number of drug report.
The figure above shows the number of drugs found in five states in the past seven years. In terms of the number and proportion of drug detection, both OH and PA are on the rise, so we should focus on the data of these two states.

1.2 The Intuitive Concept of Substance

In order to have an intuitive concept of substance, we slice to substance level, and statistic on the total number of each substance in the past seven years.
The figure above shows the top 13 substances number found in the past seven years. In terms of the number and proportion of these substance, Fentanyl, Carfentanil, Furanyl fentanyl, U-47700, Acryl fentanyl and Tramadol are on the rise, Heroin is always in a high level.

2 Data Mining

2.1 Data Preparation

We dice this data in two dimension time and position to get a list of substance name and report number in each county, then we roll-up report number dimension to get if a county has selected substance with true or false flag.

2.2 Data Mining

At first, we calculate support for each substance, if the instances of substance is higher than MIN_SUPPORT, this substance is a one item frequent itemset.
Then we use the frequent itemset at first step to generate the two item set. And calculate support for each set, if the instances of set is higher than MIN_SUPPORT, this set is a two item frequent itemset. Repeat this step until there is no support degree lager than MIN_SUPPORT.
The chart above shows the distribution of support degree for one item frequent itemset. We find that there is a clear demarcation at support from 0.1 to 0.2.
The chart above shows the distribution of support degree for two item frequent itemset. We find that there is a clear demarcation at support near 0.1.
The chart above shows the distribution of support degree for two item frequent itemset. We find that there is a clear demarcation at support near 0.1.

It can be seen that the support degree of one item frequent itemset is bounded at 0.2-0.1, and the support degree between two item and three item frequent itemset is bounded at 0.1. In order to improve the stability and accuracy of the model, we set the MIN_SUPPORT to 0.1 so that this model can more accurately analyze and pay attention to the relatively serious situation, and can warn as early as possible.
We get 11 one item frequent itemset, 55 two item frequent itemset and 165 three item frequent itemset.
Below are some of the frequent itemset.

frequent 1-itemsets        support
['Oxycodone']      0.85
['Hydrocodone']      0.81
['Heroin']      0.74
['Buprenorphine']      0.68
['Morphine']      0.57
['Methadone']      0.49
['Fentanyl']      0.40
['Tramadol']      0.38
['Hydromorphone']      0.32
['Oxymorphone']      0.32
['Codeine']      0.28
frequent 2-itemsets        support
['Oxycodone', 'Hydrocodone']      0.76
['Oxycodone', 'Heroin']      0.68
['Oxycodone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.65
['Hydrocodone', 'Heroin']      0.64
['Hydrocodone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.63
['Buprenorphine', 'Heroin']      0.59
['Oxycodone', 'Morphine']      0.55
['Hydrocodone', 'Morphine']      0.54
['Morphine', 'Heroin']      0.48
['Methadone', 'Oxycodone']      0.48
['Morphine', 'Buprenorphine']      0.48
['Methadone', 'Hydrocodone']      0.47
['Methadone', 'Heroin']      0.42
['Methadone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.41
['Fentanyl', 'Heroin']      0.38
['Methadone', 'Morphine']      0.38
['Oxycodone', 'Fentanyl']      0.38
['Oxycodone', 'Tramadol']      0.36
['Fentanyl', 'Hydrocodone']      0.36
['Tramadol', 'Hydrocodone']      0.35
['Fentanyl', 'Buprenorphine']      0.35
['Tramadol', 'Buprenorphine']      0.33
['Tramadol', 'Heroin']      0.33
['Oxycodone', 'Oxymorphone']      0.32
['Oxycodone', 'Hydromorphone']      0.32
['Hydrocodone', 'Hydromorphone']      0.31
['Oxymorphone', 'Hydrocodone']      0.31
['Tramadol', 'Morphine']      0.30
['Oxymorphone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.29
['Fentanyl', 'Morphine']      0.29
['Hydromorphone', 'Heroin']      0.29
['Oxymorphone', 'Heroin']      0.28
['Hydromorphone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.28
['Codeine', 'Oxycodone']      0.27
['Codeine', 'Hydrocodone']      0.27
['Hydromorphone', 'Morphine']      0.27
['Oxymorphone', 'Morphine']      0.27
['Methadone', 'Tramadol']      0.27
['Codeine', 'Heroin']      0.26
['Codeine', 'Buprenorphine']      0.25
['Methadone', 'Hydromorphone']      0.24
['Methadone', 'Fentanyl']      0.24
['Methadone', 'Oxymorphone']      0.24
['Fentanyl', 'Tramadol']      0.24
['Codeine', 'Morphine']      0.24
['Methadone', 'Codeine']      0.21
['Tramadol', 'Hydromorphone']      0.19
['Oxymorphone', 'Tramadol']      0.18
['Oxymorphone', 'Hydromorphone']      0.18
['Codeine', 'Tramadol']      0.18
['Oxymorphone', 'Fentanyl']      0.18
['Codeine', 'Fentanyl']      0.18
['Fentanyl', 'Hydromorphone']      0.17
['Codeine', 'Oxymorphone']      0.16
['Codeine', 'Hydromorphone']      0.16
frequent 3-itemsets        support
['Oxycodone', 'Hydrocodone', 'Heroin']      0.62
['Oxycodone', 'Hydrocodone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.61
['Oxycodone', 'Buprenorphine', 'Heroin']      0.57
['Hydrocodone', 'Buprenorphine', 'Heroin']      0.54
['Oxycodone', 'Hydrocodone', 'Morphine']      0.53
['Oxycodone', 'Morphine', 'Heroin']      0.47
['Oxycodone', 'Morphine', 'Buprenorphine']      0.47
['Methadone', 'Hydrocodone', 'Oxycodone']      0.46
['Hydrocodone', 'Morphine', 'Buprenorphine']      0.46
['Hydrocodone', 'Morphine', 'Heroin']      0.46
['Morphine', 'Buprenorphine', 'Heroin']      0.42
['Oxycodone', 'Methadone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.41
['Oxycodone', 'Methadone', 'Heroin']      0.41
['Methadone', 'Hydrocodone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.40
['Methadone', 'Hydrocodone', 'Heroin']      0.40
['Methadone', 'Oxycodone', 'Morphine']      0.38
['Methadone', 'Hydrocodone', 'Morphine']      0.37
['Methadone', 'Buprenorphine', 'Heroin']      0.37
['Oxycodone', 'Fentanyl', 'Heroin']      0.36
['Oxycodone', 'Fentanyl', 'Hydrocodone']      0.35
['Oxycodone', 'Hydrocodone', 'Tramadol']      0.35
['Fentanyl', 'Heroin', 'Hydrocodone']      0.34
['Methadone', 'Morphine', 'Buprenorphine']      0.34
['Fentanyl', 'Buprenorphine', 'Heroin']      0.34
['Oxycodone', 'Fentanyl', 'Buprenorphine']      0.34
['Methadone', 'Morphine', 'Heroin']      0.34
['Oxycodone', 'Tramadol', 'Buprenorphine']      0.33
['Fentanyl', 'Buprenorphine', 'Hydrocodone']      0.32
['Oxycodone', 'Tramadol', 'Heroin']      0.32
['Tramadol', 'Buprenorphine', 'Hydrocodone']      0.32
['Tramadol', 'Hydrocodone', 'Heroin']      0.31
['Oxycodone', 'Hydrocodone', 'Hydromorphone']      0.31
['Oxycodone', 'Oxymorphone', 'Hydrocodone']      0.31
['Tramadol', 'Buprenorphine', 'Heroin']      0.30
['Oxycodone', 'Tramadol', 'Morphine']      0.29
['Hydrocodone', 'Morphine', 'Tramadol']      0.29
['Oxycodone', 'Oxymorphone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.29
['Oxycodone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Heroin']      0.28
['Oxymorphone', 'Buprenorphine', 'Hydrocodone']      0.28
['Oxycodone', 'Fentanyl', 'Morphine']      0.28
['Oxycodone', 'Oxymorphone', 'Heroin']      0.28
['Fentanyl', 'Morphine', 'Hydrocodone']      0.28
['Hydrocodone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Heroin']      0.28
['Oxycodone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.27
['Oxymorphone', 'Hydrocodone', 'Heroin']      0.27
['Fentanyl', 'Morphine', 'Heroin']      0.27
['Tramadol', 'Morphine', 'Buprenorphine']      0.27
['Hydrocodone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.27
['Oxycodone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Morphine']      0.27
['Codeine', 'Hydrocodone', 'Oxycodone']      0.27
['Hydrocodone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Morphine']      0.27
['Fentanyl', 'Buprenorphine', 'Morphine']      0.27
['Methadone', 'Tramadol', 'Oxycodone']      0.27
['Oxycodone', 'Oxymorphone', 'Morphine']      0.27
['Tramadol', 'Morphine', 'Heroin']      0.26
['Oxymorphone', 'Morphine', 'Hydrocodone']      0.26
['Methadone', 'Hydrocodone', 'Tramadol']      0.26
['Oxymorphone', 'Buprenorphine', 'Heroin']      0.26
['Codeine', 'Oxycodone', 'Heroin']      0.26
['Hydromorphone', 'Buprenorphine', 'Heroin']      0.25
['Codeine', 'Hydrocodone', 'Heroin']      0.25
['Codeine', 'Oxycodone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.25
['Methadone', 'Tramadol', 'Buprenorphine']      0.25
['Oxymorphone', 'Buprenorphine', 'Morphine']      0.25
['Codeine', 'Hydrocodone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.25
['Hydromorphone', 'Morphine', 'Heroin']      0.25
['Hydromorphone', 'Morphine', 'Buprenorphine']      0.24
['Oxymorphone', 'Morphine', 'Heroin']      0.24
['Methadone', 'Tramadol', 'Heroin']      0.24
['Oxycodone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Methadone']      0.24
['Codeine', 'Buprenorphine', 'Heroin']      0.24
['Oxycodone', 'Fentanyl', 'Methadone']      0.24
['Methadone', 'Hydrocodone', 'Hydromorphone']      0.24
['Methadone', 'Oxymorphone', 'Oxycodone']      0.24
['Codeine', 'Oxycodone', 'Morphine']      0.23
['Methadone', 'Oxymorphone', 'Hydrocodone']      0.23
['Codeine', 'Hydrocodone', 'Morphine']      0.23
['Oxycodone', 'Fentanyl', 'Tramadol']      0.23
['Methadone', 'Fentanyl', 'Hydrocodone']      0.23
['Methadone', 'Tramadol', 'Morphine']      0.23
['Methadone', 'Fentanyl', 'Heroin']      0.23
['Fentanyl', 'Heroin', 'Tramadol']      0.23
['Fentanyl', 'Hydrocodone', 'Tramadol']      0.22
['Methadone', 'Fentanyl', 'Buprenorphine']      0.22
['Fentanyl', 'Buprenorphine', 'Tramadol']      0.22
['Methadone', 'Oxymorphone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.22
['Codeine', 'Morphine', 'Heroin']      0.22
['Codeine', 'Morphine', 'Buprenorphine']      0.22
['Methadone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Heroin']      0.22
['Methadone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Morphine']      0.22
['Methadone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.22
['Methadone', 'Oxymorphone', 'Heroin']      0.21
['Methadone', 'Oxymorphone', 'Morphine']      0.21
['Methadone', 'Codeine', 'Oxycodone']      0.21
['Methadone', 'Codeine', 'Hydrocodone']      0.21
['Methadone', 'Fentanyl', 'Morphine']      0.21
['Codeine', 'Methadone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.20
['Methadone', 'Codeine', 'Heroin']      0.20
['Fentanyl', 'Morphine', 'Tramadol']      0.20
['Methadone', 'Codeine', 'Morphine']      0.19
['Oxycodone', 'Tramadol', 'Hydromorphone']      0.19
['Hydrocodone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Tramadol']      0.18
['Oxycodone', 'Tramadol', 'Oxymorphone']      0.18
['Oxycodone', 'Oxymorphone', 'Hydromorphone']      0.18
['Codeine', 'Tramadol', 'Oxycodone']      0.18
['Oxymorphone', 'Tramadol', 'Hydrocodone']      0.18
['Hydrocodone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Oxymorphone']      0.18
['Oxycodone', 'Fentanyl', 'Oxymorphone']      0.18
['Codeine', 'Hydrocodone', 'Tramadol']      0.18
['Codeine', 'Fentanyl', 'Oxycodone']      0.18
['Methadone', 'Fentanyl', 'Tramadol']      0.17
['Tramadol', 'Hydromorphone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.17
['Tramadol', 'Hydromorphone', 'Heroin']      0.17
['Codeine', 'Fentanyl', 'Heroin']      0.17
['Fentanyl', 'Oxymorphone', 'Hydrocodone']      0.17
['Oxymorphone', 'Buprenorphine', 'Tramadol']      0.17
['Codeine', 'Hydrocodone', 'Fentanyl']      0.17
['Oxymorphone', 'Fentanyl', 'Heroin']      0.17
['Codeine', 'Tramadol', 'Buprenorphine']      0.17
['Tramadol', 'Hydromorphone', 'Morphine']      0.17
['Oxycodone', 'Fentanyl', 'Hydromorphone']      0.17
['Oxymorphone', 'Buprenorphine', 'Fentanyl']      0.17
['Codeine', 'Tramadol', 'Heroin']      0.17
['Oxymorphone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.17
['Codeine', 'Fentanyl', 'Buprenorphine']      0.17
['Oxymorphone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Heroin']      0.17
['Fentanyl', 'Hydromorphone', 'Hydrocodone']      0.17
['Oxymorphone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Morphine']      0.17
['Fentanyl', 'Hydromorphone', 'Heroin']      0.17
['Tramadol', 'Oxymorphone', 'Heroin']      0.17
['Oxymorphone', 'Morphine', 'Tramadol']      0.16
['Fentanyl', 'Hydromorphone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.16
['Codeine', 'Tramadol', 'Morphine']      0.16
['Methadone', 'Tramadol', 'Hydromorphone']      0.16
['Codeine', 'Oxymorphone', 'Oxycodone']      0.16
['Codeine', 'Oxymorphone', 'Hydrocodone']      0.16
['Codeine', 'Fentanyl', 'Morphine']      0.16
['Oxymorphone', 'Morphine', 'Fentanyl']      0.16
['Codeine', 'Hydromorphone', 'Oxycodone']      0.16
['Codeine', 'Hydrocodone', 'Hydromorphone']      0.15
['Fentanyl', 'Hydromorphone', 'Morphine']      0.15
['Codeine', 'Oxymorphone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.15
['Methadone', 'Oxymorphone', 'Hydromorphone']      0.15
['Methadone', 'Tramadol', 'Oxymorphone']      0.15
['Codeine', 'Oxymorphone', 'Heroin']      0.15
['Methadone', 'Codeine', 'Tramadol']      0.15
['Codeine', 'Hydromorphone', 'Heroin']      0.15
['Codeine', 'Hydromorphone', 'Buprenorphine']      0.15
['Codeine', 'Hydromorphone', 'Morphine']      0.15
['Codeine', 'Oxymorphone', 'Morphine']      0.15
['Methadone', 'Codeine', 'Fentanyl']      0.14
['Methadone', 'Codeine', 'Hydromorphone']      0.14
['Methadone', 'Oxymorphone', 'Fentanyl']      0.14
['Methadone', 'Fentanyl', 'Hydromorphone']      0.14
['Methadone', 'Codeine', 'Oxymorphone']      0.14
['Codeine', 'Fentanyl', 'Tramadol']      0.13
['Fentanyl', 'Hydromorphone', 'Tramadol']      0.13
['Fentanyl', 'Oxymorphone', 'Tramadol']      0.13
['Oxymorphone', 'Hydromorphone', 'Tramadol']      0.12
['Codeine', 'Tramadol', 'Hydromorphone']      0.11
['Fentanyl', 'Hydromorphone', 'Oxymorphone']      0.11
['Codeine', 'Oxymorphone', 'Tramadol']      0.11
['Codeine', 'Oxymorphone', 'Hydromorphone']      0.11
['Codeine', 'Oxymorphone', 'Fentanyl']      0.11
['Codeine', 'Fentanyl', 'Hydromorphone']      0.11

Link two itemset to generate association rules. First we scan the data to statistic the quantity that both itemset appears in the same county, then we calculate the confidence of this rule using 公式confidence, if this confidence is larger than MIN_CONFIDENCE, this rule is a strong rule.
The chart above shows the distribution of confidence degree for rules.
In this paper we use MIN_CONFIDENCE=0.9 to get more credible information. And some strong rules list below.

['Codeine', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:1.00
['Methadone', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:1.00
['Methadone', 'Codeine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:1.00
['Oxymorphone', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:1.00
['Codeine', 'Tramadol'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:1.00
['Methadone', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:1.00
['Codeine', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:1.00
['Methadone', 'Tramadol'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:1.00
['Codeine', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:1.00
['Tramadol', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:1.00
['Methadone', 'Morphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:1.00
['Codeine', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.99
['Codeine', 'Fentanyl'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Methadone', 'Fentanyl'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Codeine', 'Morphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Codeine', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.99
['Oxymorphone', 'Morphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Tramadol', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Oxymorphone', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Fentanyl', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Fentanyl', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Methadone', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Hydromorphone', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Oxymorphone', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.99
['Oxymorphone', 'Heroin'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Oxymorphone', 'Hydrocodone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Hydromorphone', 'Morphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Tramadol', 'Morphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Codeine', 'Morphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.99
['Hydrocodone', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Hydromorphone', 'Heroin'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Methadone', 'Codeine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.99
['Codeine', 'Hydrocodone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Methadone', 'Hydrocodone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Hydrocodone', 'Tramadol'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Methadone', 'Heroin'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Methadone', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.99
['Tramadol', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Oxymorphone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Codeine', 'Tramadol'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.99
['Methadone', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.99
['Morphine', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Codeine', 'Heroin'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.99
['Hydromorphone', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.99
['Oxymorphone', 'Tramadol'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.98
['Oxymorphone', 'Morphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.98
['Methadone', 'Tramadol'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.98
['Fentanyl', 'Tramadol'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.98
['Tramadol', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.98
['Hydromorphone', 'Morphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.98
['Methadone', 'Morphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.98
['Methadone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.98
['Codeine', 'Fentanyl'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.98
['Codeine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.98
['Codeine', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.98
['Morphine', 'Heroin'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.98
['Hydromorphone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.98
['Hydrocodone', 'Morphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.98
['Oxymorphone', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.98
['Fentanyl', 'Morphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.98
['Fentanyl', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.98
['Codeine', 'Oxycodone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.98
['Hydrocodone', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.98
['Tramadol', 'Heroin'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.98
['Methadone', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.98
['Tramadol', 'Morphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.97
['Fentanyl', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.97
['Oxycodone', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.97
['Codeine', 'Fentanyl'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.97
['Tramadol'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.97
['Oxycodone', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.97
['Fentanyl', 'Hydrocodone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.97
['Codeine', 'Heroin'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.97
['Fentanyl', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.97
['Fentanyl', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.97
['Morphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.97
['Oxymorphone', 'Heroin'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.97
['Morphine', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.97
['Codeine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.97
['Fentanyl', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.97
['Oxymorphone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.97
['Methadone', 'Oxycodone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.97
['Hydrocodone', 'Heroin'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.97
['Hydromorphone', 'Heroin'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.97
['Fentanyl', 'Tramadol'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.97
['Fentanyl', 'Morphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.97
['Buprenorphine', 'Heroin'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.97
['Oxymorphone', 'Fentanyl'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.96
['Methadone', 'Fentanyl'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.96
['Methadone', 'Heroin'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.96
['Hydromorphone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.96
['Tramadol', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.96
['Codeine', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.96
['Methadone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.96
['Oxycodone', 'Morphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.96
['Oxymorphone', 'Tramadol'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.96
['Oxycodone', 'Tramadol'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.96
['Methadone', 'Fentanyl'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.96
['Codeine', 'Tramadol'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.96
['Oxymorphone'] => ['Oxycodone', 'Hydrocodone']      conf:0.96
['Codeine'] => ['Oxycodone', 'Hydrocodone']      conf:0.96
['Oxycodone', 'Fentanyl'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.96
['Fentanyl', 'Morphine'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.95
['Buprenorphine'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.95
['Morphine', 'Heroin'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.95
['Hydromorphone'] => ['Oxycodone', 'Hydrocodone']      conf:0.95
['Codeine', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.95
['Morphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.95
['Fentanyl', 'Tramadol'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.95
['Fentanyl'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.95
['Fentanyl', 'Hydrocodone'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.95
['Fentanyl', 'Heroin'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.95
['Codeine', 'Fentanyl'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.95
['Methadone'] => ['Oxycodone', 'Hydrocodone']      conf:0.95
['Codeine', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.95
['Oxymorphone', 'Fentanyl'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.95
['Codeine', 'Methadone'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.95
['Tramadol', 'Heroin'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.95
['Codeine', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.94
['Fentanyl'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.94
['Tramadol'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.94
['Codeine', 'Tramadol'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.94
['Methadone', 'Codeine'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.94
['Codeine', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.94
['Codeine', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Morphine']      conf:0.94
['Fentanyl', 'Tramadol'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.94
['Codeine', 'Morphine'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.94
['Hydrocodone'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.94
['Oxymorphone', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.94
['Methadone', 'Fentanyl'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.94
['Fentanyl', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.94
['Oxycodone', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.94
['Methadone', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.94
['Oxymorphone', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.93
['Methadone', 'Tramadol'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.93
['Codeine', 'Morphine'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.93
['Tramadol'] => ['Oxycodone', 'Hydrocodone']      conf:0.93
['Tramadol', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.93
['Tramadol', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.93
['Codeine', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Morphine']      conf:0.93
['Morphine'] => ['Oxycodone', 'Hydrocodone']      conf:0.93
['Codeine', 'Oxycodone'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.93
['Oxymorphone', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Morphine']      conf:0.93
['Codeine', 'Hydrocodone'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.93
['Fentanyl', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.93
['Fentanyl', 'Morphine'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.93
['Oxymorphone', 'Morphine'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.92
['Codeine'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.92
['Methadone', 'Codeine'] => ['Morphine']      conf:0.92
['Tramadol', 'Morphine'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.92
['Heroin'] => ['Oxycodone']      conf:0.92
['Oxycodone', 'Fentanyl'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.92
['Oxymorphone', 'Heroin'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.92
['Buprenorphine', 'Heroin'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.92
['Tramadol', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.92
['Methadone', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.92
['Hydromorphone', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.92
['Codeine', 'Heroin'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.92
['Buprenorphine'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.91
['Tramadol', 'Heroin'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.91
['Codeine', 'Oxycodone'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.91
['Tramadol', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Morphine']      conf:0.91
['Codeine'] => ['Oxycodone', 'Heroin']      conf:0.91
['Oxymorphone', 'Hydrocodone'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.91
['Codeine', 'Hydrocodone'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.91
['Oxycodone', 'Heroin'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.91
['Oxycodone', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.90
['Methadone', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Morphine']      conf:0.90
['Hydromorphone', 'Morphine'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.90
['Tramadol', 'Hydrocodone'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.90
['Methadone', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.90
['Fentanyl'] => ['Oxycodone', 'Heroin']      conf:0.90
['Oxymorphone', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.90
['Tramadol', 'Buprenorphine'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.90
['Methadone', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.90
['Oxymorphone'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.90
['Methadone', 'Tramadol'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.90
['Oxymorphone', 'Tramadol'] => ['Morphine']      conf:0.90
['Oxycodone', 'Tramadol'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.90
['Codeine'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.90
['Fentanyl', 'Hydromorphone'] => ['Morphine']      conf:0.90
['Codeine'] => ['Hydrocodone', 'Heroin']      conf:0.90
['Oxymorphone', 'Morphine'] => ['Heroin']      conf:0.90
['Hydromorphone', 'Morphine'] => ['Buprenorphine']      conf:0.90
['Methadone', 'Oxymorphone'] => ['Morphine']      conf:0.90
['Fentanyl'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.90
['Codeine', 'Tramadol'] => ['Morphine']      conf:0.90
['Fentanyl', 'Heroin'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.90
['Oxycodone'] => ['Hydrocodone']      conf:0.90


We use these strong rules to identify if there is any possible locations where specific opioid use might have started in each of the five states using data in 2017. The result is about 20,000, so we filtered out the substances that had already appeared in history but didn’t find them in 2017. And below is our result.
The chart above is results number with its confidence.

FIPS_Combined  already find substance  [/latex]gt;  predict    conference    has been appeared
54093   ['Hydrocodone', 'Buprenorphine']  [/latex]gt;  ['Oxycodone']  conf:0.98    [False]
21165   ['Fentanyl', 'Buprenorphine']  [/latex]gt;  ['Heroin']  conf:0.97    [False]
54093   ['Buprenorphine']  [/latex]gt;  ['Oxycodone']  conf:0.95    [False]
21165   ['Fentanyl']  [/latex]gt;  ['Heroin']  conf:0.95    [False]
51820   ['Codeine', 'Fentanyl']  [/latex]gt;  ['Buprenorphine']  conf:0.95    [False]
21171   ['Codeine', 'Fentanyl']  [/latex]gt;  ['Buprenorphine']  conf:0.95    [False]
54093   ['Hydrocodone']  [/latex]gt;  ['Oxycodone']  conf:0.94    [False]
51580   ['Hydrocodone']  [/latex]gt;  ['Oxycodone']  conf:0.94    [False]
51620   ['Hydrocodone']  [/latex]gt;  ['Oxycodone']  conf:0.94    [False]
21171   ['Codeine', 'Morphine']  [/latex]gt;  ['Buprenorphine']  conf:0.93    [False]
21171   ['Fentanyl', 'Morphine']  [/latex]gt;  ['Buprenorphine']  conf:0.93    [False]
51520   ['Tramadol', 'Oxymorphone']  [/latex]gt;  ['Heroin']  conf:0.92    [False]
21171   ['Codeine', 'Heroin']  [/latex]gt;  ['Buprenorphine']  conf:0.92    [False]
51820   ['Codeine', 'Heroin']  [/latex]gt;  ['Buprenorphine']  conf:0.92    [False]
51820   ['Codeine', 'Oxycodone']  [/latex]gt;  ['Buprenorphine']  conf:0.91    [False]
21171   ['Codeine', 'Oxycodone']  [/latex]gt;  ['Buprenorphine']  conf:0.91    [False]
21171   ['Codeine', 'Hydrocodone']  [/latex]gt;  ['Buprenorphine']  conf:0.91    [False]
21165   ['Fentanyl']  [/latex]gt;  ['Oxycodone', 'Heroin']  conf:0.90    [True, False]
51520   ['Oxymorphone', 'Buprenorphine']  [/latex]gt;  ['Heroin']  conf:0.90    [False]
21053   ['Tramadol', 'Buprenorphine']  [/latex]gt;  ['Heroin']  conf:0.90    [False]
51520   ['Tramadol', 'Buprenorphine']  [/latex]gt;  ['Heroin']  conf:0.90    [False]

Model 2


[Oxycodone HC01_VC186_LOW] [/latex]gt; [Hydrocodone]   conf:94
[Hydrocodone HC01_VC186_LOW] [/latex]gt; [Oxycodone]   conf:97.8

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